The Arab-American Experience
in the United States and Canada: A Classified, Annotated Bibliography:
This bibliography
is the first comprehensive attempt to identify, organize, evaluate and describe the extensive
literature on the Arab community in the United States and Canada -- a particularly timely
topic. The author, Michael W. Suleiman, spent twenty-five years compiling this immensely
valuable bibliography.
No. 35:Reflective Teaching:
A Bridge to Learning: Selected Papers Presented at the Thirty-First National
LOEX Library Instruction Conference Held in Madison Wisconsin. This volume looks at
the essentials of instruction: teaching and learning; and the integral
step of self-assessment.
No. 34:Integrating
Information Literacy into the College Experience: Papers Presented at
the Thirtieth National LOEX Library Instruction Conference. This volume addresses the diverse
issues that are part of the information literacy landscape, and provides useful
guidance for making all related programs more productive and effective.
No. 33:Managing
Library Instruction Programs in Academic Libraries: Selected Papers Presented at
the Twenty-Ninth National LOEX Library Instruction Conference. This volume provides advice and
insights -- based on experience -- for effectively managing all aspects of a library
literacy program.