First Impressions, Lasting Impact:
Introducing the First-Year Student to the Academic Library
Library Orientation Series: #32
Edited by Julia K. Nims and Ann Andrew
The 28th National LOEX Conference focused on the first-year student and
explored ways to leave a lasting impression on this special group of learners.
First-year college students are changing in their learning styles and
expectations. Elizabeth Dupuis discussed factors that shape the world of
traditional college-age students. Many of the other presenters echoed her
observations and further explained how this generation differs from previous ones.
Instruction librarians are experiencing a push for accountability in
helping all students learn. Several speakers discussed how librarians need
to become proactive in establishing assessment programs on their campuses.
The current generation of college students will make new demands on libraries
and librarians. The content of this conference will help librarians determine the
scope of services offered and how to make them effective and relevant.
Ordering Information
- Library Orientation Series, No. 32
- ISBN 0-87650-366-0
- 8 1/2x11, 256p, paper, 2002, $45.00

Detailed Table of Contents
by Julia K. Nims

In Loco Amicus
by Elizabeth A. Dupuis
Advancing Learning through Assessment: The Instructional Librarian,
the Library, and Instructional Spaces
by Carla J. Stoffle, Janet S. Fore, and Barbara Allen

Instructive Sessions
Instructive Session No: 1
That's Infotainment! Effective Orientation Programs
by Laurie Alexander, Renoir Gaither, and Harold W. Tuckett (University of Michigan)
Figure 1: Kolb's Model of the Process of Experiental Learning
Instructive Session No: 2
"Don't Know Much About Boolean": Training Faculty to Incorporate Information
Literacy into a First-Year Experience Course
by Sarah Blakeslee and Kristin Trefts (California State University, Chico)
Instructive Session No: 3
Learning Communities for First-Year Undergraduates: Connecting the Library
Through Credit Courses
by Randy Burke Hensley and Vickery Kaye Lebbin (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
Table 1: Learning Community Models
Table 2: Workshops vs. Courses
Appendix 1: Course Description
Instructive Session No: 4
First Things First: Our First Year with a First-Year Experience Librarian
by Colleen Boff, Kelly Broughton, and Catherine Cardwell (Bowling Green State University, Ohio)
Handout 1: The First-Year Experience Librarian
Handout 2: Announcement of Position Vacancy
Instructive Session No: 5
Bibliographic Entertainment—Making BI Interesting, Dramatic, and Important
by Evan Cornell (University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg)
Instructive Session No: 6
Changing with the Times: The Evolution of a Freshman Information Literacy Requirement
by Eliot Finkelstein, Carrie Kruse, and Abigail Loomis (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Instructive Session No: 7
Talking Story and Talking `Toons: Technology at Play in the BI Classroom
by Rebecca Merritt Bichel (Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA)
Figure 1: Outline for Basic Legal Research Seminar
Figure 2: PowerPoint Slide and Notes
Figure 3: Slide Showing Interactive Voice Assistant
Instructive Session No: 8
A Healthy Collaboration: Information Seeking Skills for First Year Health Professions Students
by Alison Grodzinski (Central Michigan University)
Instructive Session No: 9
Psychology of Elitism: Creating a Learning Environment for Students Who Think They
Are Expected to Already Know Everything
by Pamela T. Harris (Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania)
Instructive Session No: 10
Teaching in Another Dimension: Collaborating with the University Honors
Program on Freshman Orientation
by Terri L. Holze and Anna Marie Johnson (University of Louisville, Kentucky)
Instructive Session No: 11
Hot Information in a Cool World: How an Innovative Marketing Strategy
Increased Attendance at Voluntary User Education Classes
by Rosanne Jatania (University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand)
Figure 1: Ladies and Gentlemen on the "menu" today....
Figure 2: "Feeling the Heat?"
Figure 3: Hot Stuff!
Figure 4: "Hot Information in a Cool World"
Figure 5: Michelangelo's David
Figure 6: "Oops!"
Figure 7: Library Bookmark
Figure 8: Sex Sells!
Instructive Session No: 12
Information Literacy in the Research Lab: Evaluation and Critical Thinking
for First-Year Students
by Anna Litten (Emerson College Library, Massachusetts)
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Instructive Session No: 13
Introducing First-Year Student-Athletes to the Library: The Michigan State
University Experience
by Michael Lorenzen and Nancy Lucas (Michigan State University Library)
Instructive Session No: 14
Going to the Library? You're Virtually There: Problem-Based Learning for a
50-Minute Orientation
by Alexius Smith Macklin (Purdue University, Indiana)
Instructive Session No: 15
We're Teaching—Are They Learning? Looking at the Two-Credit, Required Information
Literacy Course
by Susan R. McMillan (York College of Pennsylvania)
Appendix 1:
Appendix 2:
Appendix 3:
Instructive Session No: 16
Comparing Online Tutorials with Face-to-Face Instruction: A Study at
Ball State University
by Melissa Muth and Susan Taylor (Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana)
Figure 1: Percentage of Students Choosing "Strongly Agree" or "Agree" on
Student Comment Sheet Likert Scale Questions
Figure 2: Types of Open-Ended Comments Offered on Student Comment Sheets
Appendix 1:
Appendix 2:
Appendix 3:
Instructive Session No: 17
Library Instruction for the At-Risk Freshman
by Philip Powell and Pamela Isacco Niesslein (College of Charleston, South Carolina)
Table 1:
Table 2:
Instructive Session No: 18
Cyber Assignments: New Directions for Library Instruction at the Ohio State
University Libraries
by Fred Roecker and Thomas Minnick (Ohio State University)
Instructive Session No: 19
Library Instruction and Outreach When Every Month Is September
by Anne Marie Secord and Robin Lockerby (National University, California)
Instructive Session No: 20
Translating Information Competencies from High School to College
by Terri Pedersen Summey (Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas)
Appendix 1:

Discussion Groups
Discussion Group No: 1
Making It Count: Assessing Library Contributions to Student Learning Outcomes at
(And Beyond) the First Year
by Jeff Bullington and Cindy Pierard (University of Kansas at Lawrence)
Discussion Group No: 2
Identifying High Impact Strategies and Collaborations for Freshman Library
Instruction at Your Institution
by Gale Burrow, Carrie Marsh, and Amy Wallace (The Claremont Colleges in California)
Appendix A:
Appendix B:
Discussion Group No: 3
The First-Year Market: Who Are They and How Do We Reach Them?
by Donna J. Gunter and Rebecca Warren (University of North Carolina at Wilmington)
Discussion Group No: 4
Disappearing Ink or Strong Link? The Role of Library Instruction in an
Information Literacy Initiative
by Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe (Illinois State University in Normal)
Discussion Group No: 5
The One-Shot Multiple Section Freshman Instruction Session: Keeping the Teaching
Librarian Stress-Free and Intellectually Stimulated
by Deborah F. Sheesley (The College of New Jersey)
Appendix: An Information Literacy Resource List

Poster Sessions
Poster Session No: 1
Putting a Human Face on a Technological Place
by Margaret R. Lambert (University of Memphis)
Part 1 - Putting a Human Face on a Technological Place
Poster Session No: 2
The University Librarian as Academic Advisor
by Paul Studdard (Millersville University, Millersville, PA)
Part 1 - The University Librarian as Academic Advisor
Poster Session No: 3
Tailored Instructional Web Pages
by Hilary Leon and Lisa Klopfer (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI)
Part 1 - Tailored Instructional Web Pages
Poster Session No: 4
Information Literacy Program
by Michale McGuire (Colby College) and Paul Welch (University of Maine at Farmington)
Part 1 - Information Literacy Program
Part 2 - LIA 101 Tour/Activity
Part 3 - LIA 101 Library Activity #10
Poster Session No: 5
The Value of Handouts or Study Guides as a Teaching Tool
by Wolfhard Touchard (Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI)
Part 1 - The Value of Handouts or Study Guides as a Teaching Tool
Poster Session No: 6
Large Scale Library Instruction in 50 Minutes or Less
by Elizabeth Evans and Marian C. Hampton (University of Pittsburgh)
Part 1 - Large Scale Library Instruction in 50 Minutes or Less
Poster Session No: 7
"Making Connections with First-Year Students"
by Colleen Boff and Kelly Broughton (Bowling Green State University)
Part 1 - "Making Connections with First-Year Students"
Poster Session No: 8
by Claudia Ruediger and Kathryn Courtland Millis (DePauw University)
Part 1 - Modules.depauw.year1
Poster Session No: 9
Clam Sex in the Library: Integrating Information Literacy Skills into the
First-Year Biology Curriculum
by Janelle Wertzberger and Katherine Furlong (Gettyburg College)
Part 1 - Article
Part 2 - Finding What You Need in the Library (BIO 111)
Part 3 - Posters
Poster Session No: 10
Transitional Students and Library Instruction
by Sharon Hewitt (Hartford Community College)
Part 1 - Transitional Students and Library Instruction
Part 2 - Basic Writing—Locate an Article...
Part 3 - HCC Library EBSCOhost Worksheet
Part 4 - HCC Library Search Strategy Worksheet
Part 5 - Hot Topics
Poster Session No: 11
Making It Relevant: Student-Centered Orientation
by Cynthia H. Comer (Oberlin College)
Part 1 - Making It Relevant: Student-Centered Orientation
Part 2 - Sample Syllabus
Part 3 - Library Orientation Tour Outline
Part 4 - Bookmark
Poster Session No: 12
Diversity of the Student Population at Hunter College
by Suzanne J. Crow and Clay Williams (Hunter College)
Part 1 - Article
Part 2 - A Comparison of Block and Non-Block Freshmen
Part 3 - Brochure

Roster of Participants