Arthur Secunda has produce almost 350 limited edtion, fine art prints during
his career. A complete
list of those editions - and the estimated curent values of the
editions - will be included on this website.

Editions Available from Pierian Press
- Title (medium, edition size) price
- Body and Soul (serigraph, 75)
- Concentration (lithograph, 75)
- Contemplation (serigraph, 75)
- Enigma (mixed media, 75)
- Etude (lithograph, 75)
- I Think of My Old Home (mixed media, 25)
out of print, see complete list
- Introspection (lithograph, 75)
- Intuition (lithograph, 25)
- Jubilation (lithograph, 75)
- Kind of Blue (serigraph, 75)
- Night Flight (serigraph, 100)
- Nocturne (lithograph, 75)
- Search for Unity (mixed media, 15)
out of print, see complete list
- Sentinels of Time (mixed media, 25)
out of print, see complete list
- To Live in High Places: