New Learning Environments:
Papers and Session Materials Presented at the 26th National LOEX
Library Orientation Series: #30
Edited by Linda Shirato
The 26th National LOEX Conference was so named because it took
place on the Eastern Michigan University Campus in the new Bruce T.
Halle Library. Guest speaker, Morell D. Boone, is Director of the
Halle Library. This model library embodies many new technologies,
and was designed with the learner in mind -- to create an
environment that will facilitate learning in the new digital and
electronic environment.
Hannelore Rader, one of the founders of the original LOEX
Conference, and now University Librarian at the University of
Louisville, addresses the changes seen in the library instruction
world from those early days up to the present. She emphasizes the
evolution of the original "library orientation" concept into
today's "information literacy."
In addition, the conference proceedings feature many other
excellent presentations. Included in volume 30 are fifteen
instructive sessions and five poster sessions.
Ordering Information
- Library Orientation Series, No. 30
- ISBN 0-87650-364-4
- 8 1/2x11, 172p, paper, 2001, $42.00
Complete Table of Contents
by Linda Shirato
Introduction to Dr. Boone's Keynote Speech
by Carolyn Kirkendall
The Anatomy of Creating a Cybrary for 2003: It's the Learning
Environment, Not the Wiring
by Morell D. Boone
Instruction in Library Use: Reviewing 30 Years of Teaching
Information Skills
by Hannelore B. Rader
Instructive Sessions
Instructive Session No: 1
Point-and Click: Re-Conceptualizing Library Instruction
by Laurie Alexander, Joy Cichewicz, and Debbie Tenofsky
(University of Michigan)
Appendix 1
Instructive Session No: 2
Navigating by Thumb: Using the Rules of Thumb Approach to Teach
Electronic Research Skills
by Susan Beck (New Mexico State University), Norice Lee (Do¤a Ana
Branch Community College), Anne C. Moore (New Mexico State
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Instructive Session No: 3
Creating Flexible Teaching Spaces to Accommodate New Learning
by Suzanne Byron (University of North Texas)
Figure 1: Willis Library, Room 136 Architectural Drawing
Figure 2: Willis Library, Room 035 Architectural Drawing
Figure 3: Eight-Year Comparison of Instruction Activity
Figure 4: Science & Technology Library, Room S/T103A
Architectural Drawing
Figure 5: Essential Elements
Figure 6: Essential Elements System Needs for Library
Instruction and Distributed Learning: Sample from Brainstorming
Session to Upgrade Willis 035 for Video-Conferencing
Figure 7: Order Form
Instructive Session No: 4
Hands Off Our Hands-On Classroom! Developing Policies for
Library Electronic Classrooms
by Brittney Chenault (Moorhead State University)
Figure 1: Policy Components
Figure 2: Policy Issues
Figure 3: Policies, Reservations, and More
Figure 4: Electronic Classrooms -- Descriptions Only
Figure 5: "Getting Started" Worksheet
Figure 6: Library Instruction and Technology
Instructive Session No: 5
Student-Centered Electronic Teaching (SET) Classroom: Teaching
and Learning in a New Environment
by Sariya Talip Clay (California Polytechnic State University)
Figure 1: Unique Floor Plan
Figure 2: Library x304: Information Competence Class Schedule
Figure 3: Screen Display
Instructive Session No: 6
Taking Library Instruction to Where It Is Used: Tutoring Faculty
in Their Offices
by Eugene A. Engeldinger and Michael G. Love (Carthage
Instructive Session No: 7
The Brickbats Are Flying: Results of a Faculty/Librarian
Collaboration in a Women's Studies Pilot Project
by Katherine Furlong (University of Maine)
Figure 1: WWW Evaluation Tool
Figure 2: Class Book
Instructive Session No: 8
Developing an Interactive Web-Based Tutorial: Reflections on the
by Elaine Gass (Lewis & Clark College)
Instructive Session No: 9
Instructional Technology at Cabell Library
by James Ghaphery (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Figure 1: Getting Started with your Research
Figure 2: Magazines and Journals
Figure 3: Search Tips
Figure 4: And Or Not Quiz
Figure 5: Evaluate your Sources
Instructive Session No: 10
Online Course-Integrated Research Instruction: Lessons from
Chemistry 100 Online
by Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe (Illinois State University)
Table 1: Information Problem-Solving Unit
Instructive Session No: 11
Creating and Implementing a Self-Paced, Multimedia Tutorial:
The Same Instruction but a New Learning Environment
by Anna Marie Johnson and Phil Sager (University of Louisville)
Figure 1: Bibliography for Self-Paced Multimedia Library
Tutorial Project
Figure 2: Minerva Plus Tutorial Main Menu
Figure 3: Subject Heading Exercise
Figure 4: Welcome to Minerva
Figure 5: Summary of Project
Instructive Session No: 12
If You Built It, They WILL Come: The Impact of a New Electronic
Classroom on One Small University's Library Instruction Program
by Kathleen Lance (Regis University)
Figure 1: Floorplan
Figure 2: Photo
Instructive Session No: 13
Creating an Electronic Tutorial
by Margaret McCasland (Texas Tech University)
Appendix A: Tutorial Story Board
Instructive Session No: 14
Instruction "R" Us: Instruction Programs at Small Liberal Arts
by Celia Rabinowitz (St. Mary's College of Maryland), and
Mary Jane Petrowski (Colgate University)
Instructive Session No: 15
Changing Pedagogy and Emerging Information Technologies in a
Liberal Arts Course: The Face of AIDS in Your Hometown
by Peter Tagtmeyer (Colgate University)
Poster Sessions
Poster Session No: 1
"Search Engine Workshops for Students and Faculty"
by Pam Enrici (University of Minnesota, Duluth, Minnesota)
Part 1 - Search Engine Workshops for Students and Faculty at the
University of Minnesota, Duluth Library
Part 2 - Internet Search Engines and Directions
Part 3 - From Search Engine to Search Engine
Part 4 - Savvy Searching: Three Workshops on Search Engines
Part 5 - Summer '98 Technology Institute
Part 6 - Evaluation for Advanced Search Engine Class
Part 7 - Summer '98 Technology Institute
Poster Session No: 2
"Meeting Their Needs"
by Marcia King-Blandford (University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio)
Part 1 - Meeting Their Needs: Moving Library Instruction to the
Academic Departments
Poster Session No: 3
"Packing the Web"
by Monica Norem (Harris College, Houston, Texas)
Part 1 - Integrating Web Site Design with Student Research Needs at
a Community College
Part 2 - North Harris College Library Online
Part 3 - Background on North Harris College
Part 4 - Library Web Site Considerations
Part 5 - Web Site Evaluation Form
Poster Session No: 4
"The Virtual Reserve Room"
by Francesca Rasmus (Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana)
Part 1 - The Virtual Reserve Room
Part 2 - Goals of the Virtual Reserve Room
Part 3 - Earlham Library
Part 4 - Earlham Libraries Virtual Reserve Room
Part 5 - Politics 17: Politics of Global Problems
Poster Session No: 5
"Moving to the Virtual Classroom: Issues and Considrations"
by Leslie Reynolds (Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana)
Part 1 - Moving to the Virtual Classroom: Issues and Considerations
Part 2 - Advantages and Limitations of CMC
Part 3 - Methods to Address Learning Styles in the CMC Environment
Part 4 - Methods of Insuring Interaction
Part 5 - A Select Bibliography
Roster of Participants (with e-mail addresses)