South Africa:
An Annotated Bibliography with Analytical Introductions
by Newell M. Stultz
An analytical, annotated bibliography of studies by social
scientists, primarily focusing on the years from the Sharpeville
massacre in 1960 until 1989.
In late 1990, the African
Studies Association recognized South Africa as one of the
four best books on Africa published anywhere in the world during
1988 and 1989.
Partial Contents:
- Retrospection
- The African Majority
- Minority Communities
- Race Relations
- Society and Economy
- Formal Politics and Government
- Reform and Political Change
- International Relations
- Reference Resources
- Ordering Information:
- Resources on Contemporary Issues Series, No. 3
- ISBN 0-87650-254-0
- 191p, 8 1/2 x 11, paper, 1989, $40.00
- (a textbook discount is available)